Mindjazz is what happens when two or more people create, collaborate, and make things happen – in real time, together.

System requirements (minimum) : two human minds that are live, awake, and aware of self and the other.

Essential : Trust and respect, the freedom to "go big" and a focus on "easy, effortless, and enjoyable."


Follow the energy

The metaphor is that of a jazz ensemble. To increase awareness of the energy and where it is going, ask what type of jam session have you gathered to experience? Avant-garde jazz, cool jazz, hard bop, electric, or free form exploration? Are you cutting a record, so that you need a defined outcome? Or are you jamming for the sake of creation? Ask "what is the desired outcome?" and then just head there.

Dance in the moment

Jazz happens in real time. It flows, it’s in the moment. It's about grace and spontaneity. Even if you're playing a familiar tune, things happen.

Share your gifts

Each player brings their instrument, their skills, their passion and their music. Great players share all of who they are.

Listen for the backbeat

A jazz ensemble stays in synch with each other by listening to the rhythm and the melody. Stay in touch with each other by listening to your intuition.

Challenge the boundaries

Aim for the highest possibility. Push the envelope and allow it to happen.

Step into the unknown

Go someplace where no one's ever been before.

The key : Choose to play

You can't be a musician if you don't make music. You can't be an actor if you don't act. You can't be a dancer if you don't dance. So choose to play your music.

When to use Mindjazz?

Use mindjazz whenever you want a group or team to function at its most creative and collaborative edge.
